OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT Shuster Hall, Room 206 Phone: 718-960-8241 W LEHMAN FOR SruDENT AFFAIRS 250 Bedford Park Blvd West Fax: 718-960-8243 .., COLLEGE Bronx, NY 10468 ww\ Lehman College Statement on Hazing Hazing is defined as: Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off college premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort (including, violence, abuse or torment), embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule_ Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: • Use of alcohol ( on or off campus), • Paddling or physical abuse of any kind, • Creation of excessive fatigue, • Physical and psychological shocks, • Quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, • Forcing, requiring or pressuring an individual to shave any part of the body, tattooing, piercing or branding any part of the body, • Any requirement or pressure put on an individual to participate in any activity which is illegal or publicly indecent, contrary to their morals and/or beliefs, e.g., public profanity, indecent or lewd conduct or sexual gestures in public, • Required eating of anything an individual would refuse to eat otherwise, • Assigning or endorsing pranks such as stealing or harassment of another group or individual, • Awakening or disturbing individuals during normal sleeping hours_ • Nudity at any time or forced reading or viewing of pornographic material, • Cyberbullying, • Having substances, including but not limited to, oil, eggs, mud, paint, cream and honey thrown at, poured on or otherwise applied to the body of someone, • Wearing public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, • Engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, • Morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, • Any activity or action that creates a risk to the health, safety or property of the College or any member of its community. and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, or policy or the regulations and policies of CUNY or applicable state law New York State's law (N.Y. Penal Law §120.16) defines hazing in the first degree as follows: "A person is guilty of hazing in the.first degree when, in the course of another person's initiation into or affiliation with any organization, he intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or a third person and thereby causes such injury. Hazing in the first degree is a class A misdemeanor." Zero Tolerance for Hazing Lehman College has a zero tolerance policy for hazing. All Lehman College students found to be in violation of Lehman College and university rules, regulations and policies will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from Lehman College and/or criminal prosecution. All members of the Lehman College community are responsible for ensuring that Lehman College remains free from hazing. Hazing is any action or situation created intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off the Lehman College premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, pain, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Hazing is any method of initiation or pre-initiation into an organization that causes, or is likely to cause, physical injury or personal degradation er disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any student. Such activities are described above and also include: • Any other activities which are inconsistent with Article XV of the CUNY Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order pursuant to Article 129a of the Education Law. Failure to Adhere to University Rules and Regulations or to Report Incidents of Hazing Students found to have violated Article XV of the university's Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order pursuant to Article 129a of the Education Law shall be subject to disciplinary action by the college. Depending upon the severity of the violation, penalties may result in a suspension or immediate expulsion from the college. Students who have personal knowledge of or information about incidents of hazing have a duty to report the incident to the Lehman College Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Shuster Hall room 204. Failure to report the incident or information may result in disciplinary action. Student organizations found to be engaged in hazing activity may have their recognition and ability to organize, program and operate revoked. Disciplinary action by the college or CUNY will not exempt individuals from civil litigation and/or criminal prosecution. Lehman College reserves the right to refer known incidents of hazing to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. Anti-hazing compliance agreement We understand that violating the Lehman College anti-hazing policy will result in the actions as outlined. This definition has been read by all active members of the organization. We understand and agree to adhere to the aforementioned statements. Organization Name: _________________ Academic Semester: ----------- Print name Signature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (Please list other members on back of this sheet)